Chairman's Message
Sustainable Management Framework
Stakeholder Area

Chairman's Message


誠信是榮惠集團的最重要的核心價值,因為如此,從2007年成立以來贏得許多國際大廠安心託付,並獲LG的年度最佳供應商獎章,也透過取得ISO認證來強化生產的品質和環境的保護。 榮惠認為,客戶的競爭力就是我們的競爭力,不二法門是,無論客戶有任何環節的需求,都會竭盡全力達成任務,我們提供面面俱到的服務,讓客戶真正獲得滿足所需的產品。 同時透過集結多國人才、培訓、經驗分享、技能進修、鼓勵創新,持續進化團隊體質,導入ERP管理系統,即時回應客戶各種需求。 而讓員工獲得優質報酬與福利,提供股東合理報償,充實回饋社會的能力,對榮惠而言,是誠信也是責任,核心價值全面貫徹,始終如一。

Sustainable Management Framework

EIKEI Group plans to establish a Sustainable Development Team in 2024 to practice sustainable development actively. This aligns with international development trends and aims to promote competitive advantages based on sustainable development. The company's "Sustainable Development Practice Principles" will effectively guide the promotion of corporate sustainable development.

1: Implement Corporate Governance
2: Develop a Sustainable Environment
3: Maintain Social Welfare
4: Enhance Disclosure of Corporate Sustainable Development

Stakeholder Area

Stakeholder Communication Channels

利害關係人鑑別與溝通為企業永續發展的核心基礎,榮惠集團參考GRI Standards(永續性報告準則 ) ,鑑別出以下5類主要利害關係人。我們致力於建立良好溝通管道,以期適時掌握利害關係人所關心之面相,據以調整公司經營策略。

Communication Channels and Frequency
Contact Person
Shareholders and Investors
Shareholders' Meeting (once a year) Contact phone number and email address on the company website
Major information published on the Market Observation Post System (regular and irregular)

Meetings (irregular)
Email correspondence (irregular)
Educational training (irregular)
Performance evaluations (regular)

Meetings (irregular)
Email correspondence (irregular)
Supplier evaluations (once a year)
Supplier guidance (as needed)

Government Agencies
Correspondence (irregular)
Visits to regulatory authorities (irregular)
Major information published on the Market Observation Post System (regular and irregular)

Email (irregular)
Customer visiting (irregular)

EIKEI Group is dedicated to expanding its operations and generating maximum shareholder value while fulfilling its corporate social responsibility. In addition to conducting business with integrity, serving customers, taking care of employees, and providing returns to shareholders, we aim to fulfill our corporate responsibilities in social welfare, environmental sustainability, and corporate governance.